Nintendo NX release date, specs rumors: New gaming platform to use Kinect-like gesture controls?

The unofficial design for Nintendo NX from the official Nintendo website.Nintendo Official Website

Nintendo has yet to fulfill its promise to unveil new information about their next gaming platform, the Nintendo NX, but several details are being talked about online.

Screen Rant revealed that the latest speculation about the brand-new gaming platform from the Japanese gaming technology giant claimed that the gesture controls of the Nintendo NX will be similar to Microsoft's Kinect.

The rumors stemmed from the patent filing that was discovered by a NeoGAF user, which states that "both gesture recognition software as well as some kind of distance measuring capabilities." It will also reportedly "include an infrared camera and GPS tracking." However, this feature has long been abandoned by Microsoft, and Nintendo has yet to confirm whether they will include the feature in the next gaming platform.

Meanwhile, Forbes released a projected timeline for the possible unveiling of the Nintendo NX.

According the publication, the possible launch of the Nintendo NX could be sometime between April or May this year. Several rumors mentioned that the gaming console will be unveiled during this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in June, but Nintendo is known for veering away from a traditional E3 revelation. This could mean that the Nintendo NX will be possibly launched earlier than the annual gaming trade show in Los Angeles, California.

The publication also speculated that the highly anticipated gaming device will be shipped to stores by November 2016 to help improve the dwindling sales of Nintendo Wii U. The device is also speculated to come out with the new installment of "The Legend of Zelda" this year.

However, Express UK revealed that an analyst from Wedbush Securities named Michael Pachter predicts that the Nintendo NX will come out in 2017.

"I don't think it's coming out this year -- Nintendo's practice has been to show things a year, year and a half before they come out, so... I think they'll show it at this E3, and I think it'll come out next year. It might not come out in November, it might come out in March," Pachter said.