Nintendo NX release date: EA open to opportunities with upcoming platform

The complete line of Nintendo's game console products, which will soon be joined by the next-generation gaming platform called Nintendo

Will fans see Electronic Arts titles in the upcoming Nintendo NX?

According to industry insider Gamespot, Electronic Arts is open to "any and all opportunities" to work again with Nintendo. The report mentioned that in a recent earnings call for its investors, EA CEO Andrew Wilson addressed the question of the company publishing again for a Nintendo console. Wilson said, "As it relates to Nintendo, we've had a tremendous relationship with them over the years."

"We will evaluate any and all opportunities with them in the same way we do all platform opportunities," he added.

Electronic Arts stopped support for Nintendo consoles with the Wii U back in 2013, noted Express, and the current-gen Nintendo console saw only four EA titles. Prior to that, the game publishing company steadily offered support for the original Wii and ultimately published a total of 68 titles for the console.

Although Wilson did say that the company might be be open to talks with Nintendo, it doesn't mean that EA titles for the NX are already set in stone. Wilson defers, however, that given the turn-around for developments in the gaming industry, EA is not closed to the idea. He added, "We see the platform cycle now not just as a traditional six-year console cycle, but as kind of a six-month refresh rate on mobile devices, smart TVs, Internet-enabled refrigerators, or whatever it might be."

It has been rumored that Nintendo is pulling out all stops for the NX system and that the console will launch as a hybrid console/mobile gaming platform. Given that Nintendo has already acceded to the rising popularity of mobile gaming, even jumping in the bandwagon via a partnership with DeNA, the rumor seems to have some grain of truth to it. Electronic Arts might be waiting for official details to surface first before coming up with a decision.