Nintendo NX rumors: Release date, device concept, and game title revealed

Nintendo's rumored console, dubbed as the Nintendo NX, continue to make the rounds online and latest reports claim that the device will be released sometime in June.

According to reports, Nomura Securities experts say that the concept for Nintendo NX is scheduled to be unveiled between March and May. The final product will be introduced in June, probably during this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and will be distributed by October or November.

These predictions coincide with previous speculations suggesting that the console will arrive in mid-2016. However, Nintendo has kept mum about the matter and has yet to provide an official announcement on the device's release date.

Meanwhile, a new report has surfaced, suggesting that software development kits, or devkits, for NX are now available. The news comes from a source who claims to have received the info from a developer at Ubisoft Bucharest.

The source reportedly posted the information on 4Chan, but it has since been taken down. However, a forum member on VGChartz reposted the details on Jan. 2.

According to the source, the developer has been in possession of the devkit since October 2015. Additionally, it was revealed that NX will come as two different devices — a home console and a portable device.

The home console is said to be released at a much later date, in 2017, while the portable device will reportedly arrive in late 2016. The developer reportedly said that they only have dev kits for the portable device as of the moment.

"Assassin's Creed III: Liberation," a PlayStation Vita-exclusive game, is said to be planned for NX as well.

The report seems interesting, but as expected, this has not been confirmed and no one really knows if it's true or not.

Forum members have mixed reviews about the news; some think that it's real, while others are in doubt. But, if there is legitimacy to the report, Nomura Securities expert, Junko Yamamura, believes that NX's launch will be detrimental to the sales of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

As of now, Nintendo NX remains in the rumor category and more updates should pop up soon.