Nintendo NX specs and release rumors: home console and handheld capabilities among features?

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The Nintendo NX could ultimately end up being a combination of a home console and a handheld platform.

According to the report from the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo has already begun sending out software development kits for the Nintendo NX to third party companies so that they can begin making games for the new platform. 

The software development kits reportedly paint a picture of a new platform that combines the qualities of a home console together with a handheld gaming device. 

If the idea sounds familiar, that is likely because it is not that far off from what has been implemented for Nintendo's Wii U.

Aside from being able to play using the main console of the Wii U, owners could also play while even just using the game pad, provided that they did not stray too far away from the console itself, according to CNet. Apparently, Nintendo has decided to use this very same concept in the Wii U and change it a bit to make it work better for the Nintendo NX.

As for what gaming companies may have already received the software development kits for the Nintendo NX, one of the names being brought up is Square Enix, although this has not been confirmed.

There's not really a lot available in the way of official information related to the NX console, and that is no accident. According to, Nintendo is holding off on talking about the new console until 2016, so fans eager for any updates will have to wait for at least a few months.

It's worth noting that Nintendo has yet to announce when in 2016 they plan to talk more about the NX console.

Some gaming industry analysts have also predicted that Nintendo may also have designs of releasing the NX console next year.