Nintendo ready for increased Switch demand as holiday season approaches

Nintendo Switch with special red/blue docked controllerNintendo Switch product page

The demand for Nintendo's latest home console is very high that months after its release, the Nintendo Switch is still a hard product to find in local retail stores. This demand will only increase as the holiday season quickly approaches, but the company says they are ready for it.

Nintendo said that the holidays have been taken into consideration when they laid out the production plans for the best-selling Switch.

"We're doing everything we can to make sure everyone who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch system can do so," said Nintendo to the Wall Street Journal. "We will ramp up production for the holiday period, which has been factored into our forecast."

The forecast is to sell 10 million units during the Switch's first year of sales, but it looks like the Switch will be breaching that number well within its first year. According to a report by the Gamasutra, the console has already sold 4.7 million units as of June 30, less than four months since its release.

Aside from the holidays, another factor that will likely increase the demand for Nintendo Switch even more is the release of the next big "Super Mario" video game. Titled "Super Mario Odyssey," the game is one of the most anticipated games of the year.

In the game, players will be taken to the colorful and adventure-filled world of New Donk City. It is an alternate universe version of New York City where humans are dressed in early 20th century fashion. In the game, Mario gains brand new moves with the help of his new friend, his magical cap.

The game shows a lot of potential in inventive gameplay and creative adventures as players gain the ability to take over other living things, even enemies, using Mario's cap.

"Super Mario Odyssey" will be released on Oct. 27, which kicks off this year's shopping season.