Nintendo Switch release date, news: Price leaked, 'Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' will not launch alongside console

A promotional image for the Nintendo Switch.Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch seems to be enjoying a lot of exposure lately. First, it was reported that the price for the hybrid console may have been leaked when a listing on the Toys "R" Us Canadian website placed the price at $329.99 Canadian dollars, which is approximately $250 in the United States. It was also revealed that U.K. retailer GAME plans to sell the Switch for £199.99, while a premium model with more internal storage will go for £249.99.

Noted Nintendo tipster Emily Rogers aka @ArcadeGirl64 also joined in and said that "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" will not come out on time for the Switch's launch. The game was supposed to be a launch title for the hybrid console. It should be noted that this hasn't been confirmed yet, so take this with a grain of salt.

Forbes contributor Paul Tassi believes Nintendo should delay the launch of the Switch because it needs "Breath of the Wild" so it could "debut with a bang." "Zelda" titles are very popular, so the game's importance to the launch should not be underestimated.

Meanwhile, Electronic Arts chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen was at the UBS Global Technology Conference in San Francisco this week and he said they are planning to release a couple of games for the Switch.

"In terms of Nintendo, in their announcement they announced that we'll be supporting with a game or two on that new platform. We haven't yet announced what game, but you should assume that it's one of our bigger games we've been involved with," he stated.

According to Daily Express, it wouldn't be surprising if "something along the lines of FIFA 17 and/or Madden NFL 17" make it to the Switch.

LetsPlayVideoGames said two of their sources told them there is definitely a "Mario" game planned for the Switch. They also heard that Bethesda is going to bring "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" to the hybrid console, and it will be a launch day release.

The Nintendo Switch will hit the shelves in March 2017.