Nintendo NX platform to be Android-based?

Nintendo website

One of the things that Nintendo fans are eagerly anticipating is the set of details about the company's NX platform. 

Announced early this year, the NX system is a console aimed at bridging the gap between multiple Nintendo consoles. In addition, some even maintained that the upcoming platform may have cross-system functionalities that would extend to mobile gaming. With Nintendo also announcing a partnership with known mobile gaming giant DeNA, this feature might indeed be a possibility. 

Accordingly, among the speculations that fans are checking out is that of Nintendo mulling over a mobile platform to be used for the NX. There have been speculations that the company is leaning toward using Android as a platform. 

In a report by game fan site Kotaku, Japanese newspaper Nikkei reported that Nintendo is thinking of loading the NX with an Android-based system in order to "speed up getting all developers on board." This might indicate that Android is a popular system within the developers in the company due to its large clientele worldwide, user-friendly interface, and ease of use either as a coding program for apps or as a consumer-end app itself. Developers could cut the time on building games and apps when it uses universal systems such as Android, which is already widely adapted on smartphones, tablets, and even PCs. 

However, observers are quick to note that this development is purely speculation at this stage, and that using Android for the next Nintendo platform is only a possibility.

To separate facts from rumors, Nintendo immediately issued a statement to the Wall Street Journal regarding the speculation.

A spokesman said, "There is no truth to the report saying that we are planning to adopt Android for NX." 

However, with the rumor starting in Japan itself, it seems that Nintendo did plan to integrate Android into its NX system and nixed the idea at a certain time for reasons unknown.