'No Man's Sky' release date: gameplay demonstrated by creator in 18-min footage

The ship bearing ferocious Sentinels appear in No Man's Sky.IGN YouTube account

Game developer Hello Games managed to pique the interest of players toward their upcoming sci-fi open world survival game "No Man's Sky" when its concept was first revealed back in 2013. The formal details of the game were discussed last month during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015, and players are now excited to get their hands on their procedurally generated adventure title. 

But how will they take advantage of the massive open world universe of "No Man's Sky"? 

Recently, game creator Sean Murray shared an extended guided tour of one of the planets featured in the "No Man's Sky" universe through a post on IGN. The footage demonstrates how players can look for new discoveries, find alien creatures, as well as target crystals to gather enough resources which they can use all throughout the game. 

The 18-minute video also explains that the items that players manage to amass can be stored in their ships. They can later on sell these items to earn more Units, or the in-game currency, that can be used to purchase more advanced items like high-end ships that can take them to farther areas inside the universe. 

During the video demonstration, Murray told host Ryan McCaffrey that the robotic beings called the Sentinels will appear on a planet when the player decides to randomly shoot at an object. To prove his point, the game creator shot at a goat. At that instant, the fiery Sentinels attacked him and seemed to be gaining more power as he fought back. 

Murray also said that they have incorporated "Grand Theft Auto's" complex wanted system. If the player increases their wanted level to the highest rank, numerous tanks bearing the tough Sentinels will rapidly appear to capture them. According to Hello Games' boss, they were glad that Rockstar Games have not patented that specific "GTA" mechanic because they want to incorporate it in the game. 

At the end of the demo, Murray brought his ship to the center of the galaxy, which is still the game's mysterious end-goal. 

At this point, the British independent game studio is still mum about the game's release date, but fans should expect "No Man's Sky" to be released for the PlayStation 4 and PC.

No Man's Sky Gameplay DemoYouTube