'No Man's Sky' release date: More facts revealed

Twitter courtesy of Hello Games

More facts about all things big and small inside "No Man's Sky" have been recently revealed.

The information came courtesy of Alex Wiltshire of Hello Games, the game's developer, and he shared them in a post on the official PlayStation Blog.

First off, Wiltshire discussed about the universe in "No Man's Sky." He quickly quelled rumors that the universe in the game would be infinite, although he did imply that it might as well be. According to Wiltshire, it would take a single player 585 billion years to simply see each planet inside the game for even a single second, meaning that pulling off such a Herculean task would be downright impossible.

Wiltshire also talked about the planets that players can stumble upon in "No Man's Sky." According to him, most of the planets inside the game will likely be barren, especially those closer to the sun. However, he also said that although most of the planets won't be teeming with life, they will still present value to players.

Where there are planets, there will also be enemies, although for the most part, Wiltshire said these native inhabitants will keep to themselves. He also said that if an animal does attack, the player would be better served to just scare it away as opposed to trying to kill it.

The Hello Games representative added that "No Man's Sky" is not a massively multiplayer online game (MMO), according to IGN. He stated that given the scale of the universe inside the game, it is not even likely that players will wind up going to the same places, making the MMO model unrealistic.

One other point of emphasis that Wiltshire stressed is that "No Man's Sky" will have no story per se. Instead, players will be given the opportunity to create their own stories as they make their way to the very center of the universe inside "No Man's Sky."