'No Man's Sky' news: ships and other tools to help gamers explore, conquer planets

No Man's Sky Official Site

Developer Hello Games has confirmed that the much-awaited "No Man's Sky" will finally be released next month. Meanwhile, although most details have yet to be confirmed, it is revealed that players will have access to a number of tools and gadgets in order to explore the universe.

According to The Bitbag, players will have access to ships in order to explore planets they will conquer. However, when checking out an "uninhabited world" for the first time, there are other gadgets that can be used. Most noted is a multi-tool gun, which was showcased in previous gameplay demos of "No Man's Sky." Reportedly, aside from knocking down enemies, the gun has other uses depending on the ammo. From previous trailers and demos, it can be seen that the gun can be a grenade launcher, able to blow holes in the ground. There is also a laser mining shooter mode for the gun, and players can use this to mine minerals from rocks.

Since there are an almost inexhaustible number of planets in "No Man's Sky," Hello Games has also designed a thermal suit, as each planet's environment is unique based on the procedural nature of the game. The thermal suit adjust automatically based on how cold or how hot the planet is, and players can find shelter in buildings or caves so that the thermal suit goes back to its normal temperature levels. The suit is also designed to be upgradeable, and players will need to scavenge, trade, or explore worlds to get the parts needed for the upgrade.

There may be other tools in-game that are not covered by the trailers and demos, with Hello Games putting up some surprises for fans.

Although it looks like "No Man's Sky" is already on its final touches, some observers are still wary of the scheduled June release, since the game has already been set back from its original release date. In addition, the game's massive gameplay and design element may also be a disadvantage, as Design&Trend points out that it can lead to "a boring game loop" with lots of empty planets.