'No Man's Sky' release date: Soundtrack with new gameplay trailer featured in London

British post rock band 65daysofstatic comes up with an official soundtrack for Hello Games' No Man Sky.facebook.com/65propaganda

A gameplay teaser for Hello Games' upcoming adventure survival game "No Man's Sky" was shown at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, during the recently concluded Pushing Buttons special gathering for indie video games. The 13-minute video was featured onstage while British post-rock band 65DaysofStatic played the indie game's official soundtrack in front of the huge crowd. 

Design & Trend spotted an amateur video taken during Friday's full house event. The video shows a huge "No Man's Sky" logo at the back. The band members are assembled in front of a huge screen, and they perform while a series of gameplay footages are shown. It was the first time the footages were featured in public after the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 event held in June. 

Meanwhile, Hello Games' managing director Sean Murray seems to be fed up of receiving questions from eager fans about the game's release date. Since the title was revealed at the E3 2014 event, the public has been pressing him for answers regarding its official release. Recently, he posted a video of rubber ducks on his Vine account.

He wrote, "These ducks know how I feel."

"No Man's Sky" got the attention of gamers because of its groundbreaking concept. The game will not feature any plot or campaign, and it will not have a particular stand-out protagonist either. Instead, it will concentrate on exploring the 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 unique planets in the game's universe. Each one will have its own geographical features and one-of-a-kind biodiversity. 

Gospel Herald reported that because of the immensity of the game's universe, players could find themselves alone in new worlds despite playing in the multiplayer mode. 

"No Man's Sky" is expected to come out in both PC and PlayStation 4 editions.