'No Man's Sky' release date: Launch on Xbox One to be announced soon?


After launching "No Man's Sky" on the PC and PlayStation 4 last week, speculations claim that the indie action-adventure survival video game might also come to the Xbox One.

Rumors about the possible release of "No Man's Sky" on Xbox One came out after several data-miners posted their observations on NeoGaf, as spotted by Daily Star UK.

According to the report, data-miners believe that the game's code proved that an Xbox One version had been in mind when the game was developed. There was also a screenshot proving that the game was also developed with codes for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions.

However, Hello Games founder Sean Murray reportedly gave a reserved answer when asked if they have plans to release the game on Microsoft's gaming console. According to Murray, he was not certain if he was "actually allowed to say" something about the speculation during that time. He also added that he has to be "very specific with my words."

But while Murray was still unsure about an Xbox One version of "No Man's Sky," he was more generous about information regarding the possibility of seeing an upgraded version of the game that could be compatible with the soon-to-be released PlayStation Neo.

According to the founder of the British indie game development firm, bringing "No Man's Sky" to the PlayStation Neo will change the game's main experience.

"If you play another game and if they do a remaster of that game, what they will do is up-res the textures and things like that," Murray said in the separate interview with Daily Star. "That's because the base geometry, the base shape of the world, the way of playing is totally like lost, basically. 100's of people have worked on it thousands of hours to create what you see."

At the moment, Hello Games developers are busy working on post-release issues to further improve the players' gaming experience with "No Man's Sky."