'No Man's Sky' release date set for summer 2015?

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"No Man's Sky" is touted to grace the gaming realm this year but there never really was a narrower date than that, until now, that is. There are new reports claiming that Hello Games is looking to bring out the upcoming adventure video game in summer, which means that "No Man's Sky" could be ready for action in July at the earliest. 

Gamespot lists the game's release date as Q3 2015, although Design & Trend is convinced that the game may very well be out by that time. The latter iterated that it may also be that Q3 2015 has something to do with the financial calendar of Hello Games. It went on to say that the timeframe constantly attached to "Metal Gear Solid V" is Q3 2015 but the title is due in mid-2015. This may likely be the case for "No Man's Sky" as well.

But whatever the release date for "No Man's Sky" is, fans are growing more and more eager to see it. In fact, beta keys for the game would do, which is why a scam that offered them became a hit. Hello Games had to convince excited gamers that whoever is offering these coveted beta keys is running a scam. The game studio informed its followers on Twitter that whatever they do, they have to close that tab "with a derisive harrumph." 

Meanwhile, Movie Pilot reports that "No Man's Sky" will put in an appearance in the Game Developer's Conference 2015 in San Francisco. "No Man's Sky" art director Grant Duncan will take the stage to talk about the makings of the game's procedurally generated cosmos. Apart from the talk from Hello Games, attendees of the event will get to see the art and work of Naughty Dog, Ninja Theory, BioWare and many others. 

"No Man's Sky" consists of missions in free form gameplay situated in the heart of the galactic with dogfights and gear upgrades here and there. There will be immaculate trips to planets and all of the galaxies. According to Movie Pilot, the newest detail to be integrated in "No Man's Sky" will be appropriate music on planets with different elements as well as interactions with objects on players' paths.