Nobel Peace Prize nominee to speak at BibleLands lecture

BibleLands is hosting a lecture by the three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Archbishop Elias Chacour on 'educating for peace' in Israel and Palestine.

The lecture next Tuesday is being held in conjunction with Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.

Archbishop Elias Chacour’s work for peace in the region has seen him nominated three times (1986, 1989 and 1994) for the Nobel Peace Prize.

He is also author of the acclaimed books ‘Blood Brothers’ and ‘We Belong to the Land’.

In ‘Blood Brothers’ he writes, "Jews and Palestinians are brothers – blood brothers. We share the same father, Abraham, and the same God. We must never forget that."

Chief executive of BibleLands, Jeremy Moodey, said, "With every day bringing more news of strife and and conflict in the Holy Land, it is tempting to take a gloomy view of the future for the Middle East.

"It is therefore timely to hear from Archbishop Elias Chacour, who throughout his long ministry has offered a unique perspective based on mutual understanding and reconciliation.

"Everyone who is interested genuinely interested in a lasting Middle East peace should listen to what he has to say."

The lecture will take place at Christ Church Cathedral at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13 April and tickets are available by contacting the BibleLands office on 01494 897933.