Nokia C1 release date: Device to come in 2 variants?


As part of its agreement with Microsoft, Finland-based tech firm Nokia won't be back in the smartphone field until the end of 2016. However, early on, there are already leaks and reports about the first handset to come out of the company's test beds – the Nokia C1.

For a while now, there have been talks about the purported Nokia smartphone. Now, the device stars in yet another leaked render, where it once again showed its smooth button-less build, rounded corners and variety of colors. Along with this render is a specs sheet.

The Nokia C1 is said to come in two variants, which are apparently distinct primarily for their camera department. One unit will apparently have a 13-MP rear-facing shooter while the other version will get an 8-MP camera on its back. Both, according to the report, will get a 5-MP front camera for selfies and video chats.

Just like the camera setup, display size will vary as well. The smaller one will allegedly be at 5 inches while the latter is much bigger at 5.5 inches. Either way, both should have Full HD resolution. The small version presumably puts up 2 GB RAM and 32 GB of storage while its big brother has 3 GB/64 GB to offer.

Another exciting bit about the Nokia C1 is that there will be units running Android and there will be models with Windows 10 on board. The latter will reportedly be offered in select markets only so it looks like the prime mobile operating system Nokia is going with is the Google-made software.

As what has been said, Nokia won't be back in the smartphone game after another year but when that time comes, the Finnish company will be ready to release their first smartphones. Softpedia notes that while the Nokia C1 won't be out until Q4 2016, with the prototype available, users can expect more details about Nokia's handset plans to emerge.