North of Scotland Churches to Celebrate Influence of Religion on Highland Culture

Churches in Inverness, northern Scotland, have come together to run a special programme of events throughout 2007 which will celebrate and educate on the enormous influence that religion has had in shaping Highland culture.

The events form part of the churches' own unique contribution to Highland 2007, Scotland's Year of Highland Culture, reports The Aberdeen Press and Journal.

The programme includes both religious and secular events and will complement other contributions to next year's festival and is intended to raise awareness of the key role played by religion in shaping 1,500 years of culture in the Highlands.

One congregation which has particularly taken to the year of celebrations is that of Old High St Stephen's which has put together a full programme of concerts to run from February right through to September.

The congregation has received a grant from Highland 2007, revealed the Rev Peter Nimmo, minister at Old High St Stephen's.

The grant has enabled the congregation to use the church's fine buildings to host a range of events free of charge, many of which will feature local musical groups.

The churches' Highland 2007 programme kicks off on January 21 with the launch of Highland Faith at an ecumenical service at Ness Bank Church, conducted by Fr Michael Savage of St Mary's RC Church.