Nvidia GeForce GTX 950: What does the powerful new graphics card bring to the table?

Twitter courtesy of Nvidia GeForce

More than anything, the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 is designed to bring value to PC owners who decide to get it.

It's no secret that most high-end graphics card are not exactly cheap, most of them can even be charactarized as unattainable for gamers who want to get solid if, not elite, performance from their rigs.

This is where the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 comes in, and how its value proposition can make it an enticing option for many gamers.

According to Eurogamer's review of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950, there is no denying that that the newer graphics card is a significant step down from the GTX 960. That should not come as a surprise, considering that the GTX 950 is basically a lesser version of the GTX 960, but even with that being said, the performance of the new graphics is not too shabby.

With the GTX 950 featuring a 25 percent reduction in compute unified device architecture (CUDA) core count and it also downsizing shaders from 1024 to 768, there will inevitably be a noticeable drop-off.

Still, even with some trade-offs, the majority of the GTX 960's feature set can still be found in the GTX 950, and that is going a long way towards helping the new release remain capable of providing the quality players crave.

According to PC World's review of the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950, the new release is also fully capable of competing directly with the Radeon R9 270X, which is crucial, considering both graphics cards are essentially fighting it to draw in potential buyers from the same demographic.

Nvidia's likely intent with the GeForce GTX 950 was to create a graphics card that was cheaper but still attractive enough to hardcore gamers to warrant a purchase, and in that sense, the company appears to have done its job.

Though the Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 will not be blowing away with what it can do, its dollar-for-dollar value could just be what some gamers are looking for.