NVIDIA Pascal graphics card news: What to expect

Twitter courtesy of NVIDIA

When it comes to graphics cards, faster is better, and NVIDIA is aiming for the highest speeds possible with their latest line of graphics cards.

NVIDIA has touted the virtues of their upcoming offering, currently known as Pascal, by pointing to its improved high bandwidth memory, also known as HBM, according to Digital Trends.

Thanks to the upgrade, Pascal will now be sporting HBM2, and it is indeed expected to greatly improve the speed of graphics cards.

Still, improving high bandwidth memory alone would not amount to much without the requisite space available, and in response to that, NVIDIA has indicated that the second generation HBM that will be available along with the Pascal cards will have up to 16 GB of available space.

There's a chance that the 16 GB limit could still rise closer to the official release date of the new graphics card, as NVIDIA has indicated that they can raise all the way up to 32 GB but only if the memory technology available by next year will permit them to do so, WCCF Tech reported.

People will simply have to stay tuned if a 32 GB version will be widely released or if it will simply be shelved for now.

In support of the currently announced 16 GB HBM2, the Pascal cards will also provide 1 TB/s of bandwidth upon being launched.

Speaking of a possible launch date for NVIDIA's Pascal cards, such may be highly variable for the time being. 

According to Venture Capital Post, there's a chance that the new graphics card could be launched during the first half of 2016, but that remains unconfirmed for now.

The release date of the Pascal cards could ultimately rely on just how well the new technology works upon being tested, and with that as the main consideration, there could be way too much variability involved to hone in on a specific launch window this early on.