NVIDIA Pascal rumors: Powerful next-generation GPUs rumored to be released in May

The next-gen NVIDIA Pascal GPUs are expected to be 10x faster than the current Maxwell GPUs.blogs.nvidia.com

It was previously rumored that the new NVIDIA Pascal architecture GPUs will initially arrive on laptops, and will soon be followed by their desktop counterpart. It seems that the plans have been changed; it is now rumored that the replacement for the GeForce GTX 970 and GeForce GTX 980 will be shown during the upcoming Computex 2016.

The latest set of information came from a Swedish tech site, SWEClockers, stating that the old Maxwell architecture-bearing GPUs, the GTX 970 and GTX 980, will be replaced by the newer GEForce Pascal model. The new card is also rumored to be named the GTX 1070 and the GTX 1080.

WCCFTech added that the old cards were originally released last September 2014, and will be replaced by the newer 16nm FinFET process cards. It also said that the two old models have the highest market share in the PC gaming arena and NVIDIA is hoping that it can replicate its success. The two older models are also still very popular in the gaming community, which uses a 28nm design. So it is a big leap in terms of design.

The NVIDIA Pascal architecture is said to be bringing in more computing power in terms of graphics, thus offering faster performance and a better quality than its previous model. It is still believed that desktop and mobile users will both experience the Pascal technology.

Additionally, the GEForce Pascal GPU is capable of delivering 384 GB/s of bandwidth when equipped with a GDDR5X memory and a 256-bit bus interface. But it is not only the gaming community that will benefit from the new NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. Supercomputers in data centers will also enjoy an increase in performance with the upcoming technology. However, these models are not the same as the gaming GPUs; these are the more powerful ones.

The GP 100 is said to be the first GPU to incorporate HBM2 standard. This will provide a bigger and faster data flow, up to 300 Petaflops. But this will only be available by 2017. For the consumer version of this technology, it may arrive by 2018.

There is no official name yet for the next-generation GPUs. Another name being suggested for the upcoming models are GeForce X70 and GeForce X80.

The tech community is looking forward to the Computex TAIPEI 2016 that is set to happen from May 31 to June 4 in Taipei, Taiwan.