NVIDIA Titan V release date, specs news: Latest Volta GPU aims to transform every PC into an 'AI supercomputer'

The latest high-performance GPU from NVIDIA, Titan VNVIDIA website

Nvidia never fails to impress the public every year by releasing a high-end graphics processor unit (GPU). In fact, the renowned video card maker recently unveiled yet another cutting-edge product, the Nvidia Titan V. The company describes its latest offering as "the most powerful PC GPU ever created," with highlights on the video card's superb artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

As reported by The Verge, Nvidia introducing the Titan V this year as the best GPU that has ever existed seems to be the case every other year. The company has presented many high-performance video cards in the past, but the Nvidia Titan V looks to be the real deal. First off, this is the first consumer-grade product based on the company's latest Volta architecture.

Further proof that the Nvidia Titan V is in a league of its own compared to the previous video cards is its dedicated performance on AI and machine learning. Professionals can get the best out of this GPU by using it for research purposes, and the Titan V is expected to deliver very well, thanks to its impressive AI skills. All of these are made possibly by the card's 21.1 billion transistors.

It is also worth mentioning that the Titan V can work on 110 teraflops of horsepower, and according to Mashable, this is roughly nine times greater than the regular graphics processors released by Nvidia. For comparison's sake, the Xbox One X can only deliver up to 6 teraflops, and the console is already regarded by many people as the most powerful gaming unit ever created.

Other specifications features of the Nvidia Titan V include 5,120 CUDA cores, 640 tensor cores, and up to 12 gigabytes (GB) of second-generation High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) memory. According to Nvidia chief executive Jensen Huang, the company intends the new Volta-based GPUs "to push the outer limits of high-performance computing and AI." The Titan V is capable of turning a normal PC into an "AI supercomputer" with Nvidia's newfound processor and memory architecture.

However, regular gamers cannot expect that the Titan V will be similar to other great gaming GPUs from Nvidia. While it has the potential to serve that function, the Nvidia Titan V is focused on AI works and is made specifically for researchers and scientists. The video card's $3,000 price tag also says a lot, which does not make it accessible to the general consumers. To note, the GPUs for high-quality gaming range from $500 to $600.

There is a chance that Nvidia's Volta GPUs after the Titan V will follow a similar path as the current Pascal-based video cards, which are designed for gaming. The GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1080 Ti are considered to be the best gaming GPUs based on Pascal architecture, and it has yet to be seen if Nvidia will release one for its Volta lineup.