Oculus Rift consumer version release date, details

Oculus RiftOculus VR

The consumer version of the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality head-mounted display, was confirmed just over a year ago but there is still no official set date when the device will be released to the public. Thus far, only two development kits, DK1 and DK2, have been released to developers so they can create content specifically for the Oculus Rift. 

Latest news, however, gives hope to those looking forward to acquiring the device before the turn of the year. According to a report by IBTimes, it may come out by the end of 2015. 

Mike Schroepfer, Facebook's chief technology officer, stated during the F8 Facebook Developer Conference that virtual reality gaming is coming within this year. He also stated that gamers would be able to play in virtual reality on an unidentified device to be shipped by Oculus. 

It is important to note that the consumer device that might come out by the end of the year would still be an early first version. As is common with smart phones and tablets, the device is expected to have multiple versions to come out, presumably in 2016, once the target market has been established. 

The Oculus Rift is one of the very first virtual reality devices that will be made available for the general public. It has a full 1080p HD display that utilizes stereoscopic 3D in order to mimic human vision. The motion tracking technology will allow users to fully immerse themselves in 360-degree films, video games, and other interactive media. 

One of the first high-profile video game titles that has publicly announced support for the Oculus Rift is the PC port of Rockstar's "Grand Theft Auto V." It has also been stated by EuroGamer that the VR device will be compatible with "Team Fortress 2." 

The project initially started gaining popularity when it was launched on crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Oculus VR, the developer of the Oculus Rift, was purchased by Facebook in 2014 for $400 million in cash, $1.6 billion in Facebook stock, and $300 million for targeted financial goals.