Office talk: Why 'manic Mondays' are an extension of God's grace


If you've ever heard that popular pop song with the line "It's just another manic Monday," you know what it's like to experience the frantic bustle of the first day of the workweek.

Heavy traffic, unfinished paperwork from last Friday, upcoming meetings and all the tasks that seem to just rush to get to you. The popular corporate culture has taught us to abhor the ideas of Mondays.

Sometimes we think that when Psalms 118:24 declares, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it," it really means, "This is the day the Lord has made, except if it's a Monday." However, truth is that God has ordained and blessed every single day including our Mondays.

"Manic Mondays," in all its craziness and hustle, is still a God-given extension of His grace, which gives us all reasons to rejoice.

Your profession is an extension of God's grace

Our jobs are an extension of God's grace because it is God's way of getting us involved in His greater plan of being a blessing to others.

If you're a doctor, you save the lives of people through medicine. If you're in customer service, you help people by providing solutions to their worries. If you're a salesman, you are in the business of providing products that can make the lives of others better. Every profession is God's grace bestowed upon us to be part of His work even though God knows that He can do it better than we do.

Our income is an extension of God's grace

It can be often easy to make the mistake of thinking that we deserve the salaries that we get. After all, we work for it. However, the moment that I realized that the money I earned through my profession is not something that I deserve but a gift that God freely gives, I was liberated from a barrage of lies and stressors.

Yes, we work for a living, but we are alive not because we work, but because God is good, gracious and able to sustain us. In the same way, it is also He whom we can turn to for strength and passion to carry out our professions.

Mondays are an extension of God's grace

That Monday morning you woke up much earlier than you wished you had, you experienced the grace of God. Imagine how many people all around the world wake up to harsher conditions or how many people never wake up from their sleep on a Monday morning.

God's grace is sufficient for all in that when we don't deserve the breath we take, God gives it to us anyway. Romans 6:23 reminds us, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When we deserved death, God gave us Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in overflowing portions because He is gracious.