'Once Upon A Time' season 4 spoilers: Will Emma give up her pure heart to save everyone in finale episode?


Now that season 4 of "Once Upon A Time" is mere episodes away from its conclusion, fans are starting to look ahead, surmising and anticipating what's in store for everyone in Storybrooke. 

The latest and most significant spoilers come from a leaked footage that shows some of the cast filming for what could be the ending for "Once Upon A Time" season 4. It turns out, it all goes down to one sacrifice for everyone to get a happy ending. 

In the video, Regina is being attacked by an enemy, which, unfortunately, is not seen. Robin Hood tries to repulse it but his efforts are to no avail. After more attempts at warding off the attacker, Emma gives herself up to save them and the whole of Storybrooke. 

However, while doing so, she holds the Dark One dagger in her hand. She vanishes after getting Regina out of harm's way, meaning Emma might inadvertently turn herself into the Dark One. 

There are so many things to get from the footage. First is the fact that Robin Hood is around. In the midseason finale, he left Regina to save his wife, but it looks like he will finally come back before the culmination of events in season 4. 

Furthermore, a leaked set pictures from "Once Upon A Time" shows Robin Hood hugging Regina. So for those who are longing to see their romance brewing once more, that moment is not too far away. 

Then there's Emma and the apparent completion of Rumple's plan to bring her to the dark side. How he may have pulled that off stems from the release of the Author. Did Rumple manage to get to him first before Regina? 

There will also be more about Emma's past as there is an upcoming episode dedicated to Lily, her childhood friend who has become a vindictive baddie working with Mr. Gold along with two other dangerous villainesses. Also, leaked photos show Rumple lying in a hospital bed, which may suggest that he will come face to face with peril himself as he continues with his dangerous plans.

Indeed, it will be exciting to see where "Once Upon A Time" season 4 will take Regina, Emma, Rumple and the others. Viewers can watch Rumple's secrets unfold in "Heart of Gold" airing on April 12.