'Once Upon A Time' season 5 spoilers: Premiere to reveal Emma's Dark One transformation

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"Once Upon A Time" season 5 is all about Emma going dark. While many things have already been revealed when it comes to her transformation, a lot more awaits to unfold, and executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are open to serve up some spoilery details. 

Just recently, a photo of Rumple with the Dark Swan surfaced. It invites questions as to how they are able to be together in the same place when the former is in a coma. The EPs confirmed that there won't be time travel involved but Kitsis said that this will be given light promptly when the show returns. 

"How is Rumple there? Why is he behind her, and why did we give the caption, 'If you're going to be the Dark One, gotta learn from the best,'" he told Entertainment Weekly, saying that fans will know the answers to these questions when season 5 premieres. 

"Emma is going to be taking us into the Dark One and the Dark One mythology, and we are going to learn this first half of the season who the original Dark One was, what made them tick, and why there is even a Dark One to begin with," he said. 

Kitsis and Horowitz also assured fans that Hook will not easily be influenced by the darkness of the woman he loves. They revealed that he will focus on saving her. Knowing that he was after Rumple for 300 years shows his dedication, which will not falter easily. 

When the series returns, fans won't see Emma in full Dark Swan mode yet. Just like when Rumple became the Dark One, Storybrooke's savior will struggle and fight the darkness inside of her before she eventually succumbs to it. 

"Once Upon A Time" season 5 premieres Sept. 27.