'Once Upon A Time' season 5 episode 5: Merida helps Gold become a hero, Emma teams up with Regina in 'Dreamcatcher'


Regina and the group will be one step closer to thwarting dark Emma's plans in the next episode of "Once Upon A Time" season 5. Titled "Dreamcatcher," the episode sees the heroes discover that the dark one is in possession of the Excalibur but is yet to find a hero to take it out.

A teaser for the upcoming installment shows that Emma is trying to make Gold enough of a hero to be able to get the sword out. However, all he wants is for her to let him go. Dark Emma then gets help from Merida, who will work on making a hero out of Gold.

In the promo for the upcoming "Once Upon A Time" season 5 episode, Gold is seen telling Merida "I can never be brave" as they train in the words as instructed by Emma. The princess responds to Gold's negativity and said "You will be. You have to."

As Emma tries everything to change Gold, Henry himself will do the same on Emma. A sneak peek for the episode sees Henry show up at his mother's front door, giving her a chance to prove that his mother is still somewhere beneath this darkness by helping his friend find her happy ending.

Indeed, Emma has her moments where she sheds all that darkness. One of those moments will be seen in tonight's "Once Upon A Time" season 5 episode. In the promo, Emma is seen crying as Gold's voice warning her about losing everyone she loves rang in the background.

But right now, these moments are just fleeting. Emma keeps her head in the game and this time, she teams up with Regina to find out how Merlin transformed into a tree. She looks into her dreamcatcher, which is basically her window to the past, for answers. However, King Arthur is prepared to stop them from bring Merlin back.

"Once Upon A Time" season 5 episode 5 "Dreamcatcher" airs 8 p.m. ET today on ABC. Watch it online via ABC live stream.