'Once Upon a Time' season 5 spoiler alert: Episode 5 title revealed and explained

Emma returns as the new Dark One in "Once Upon a Time" season 5.Facebook/ABC

"Once Upon a Time" co-creator Adam Horowitz recently revealed the title of the fifth episode for season 5: "Dreamcatcher." Fans quickly speculated that the episode might be a possible flashback that could give fans a fleeting moment of seeing actor Michael-Raymond James as Neal Cassidy. 

This would make sense since magical dreamcatchers have been closely tied to Cassidy since season 2 up to the character's death in season 3. The show has also made a habit of using flashbacks to tell different angles of old stories and disclose new revelations about characters, so one involving Cassidy wouldn't be so far-fetched. 

However, while the dreamcatcher was primarily seen within Cassidy's apartment, there was a moment where it was used without his presence needed.

That might as well be the case for season 5 episode 5, as a report from TVLine states that Eddy Kitsis, Horowitz' co-creator on the series, revealed that the title does not revolve around a possible Cassidy cameo and instead will focus primarily on Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison).

"Although dreamcatchers evoke and remind us of Neal, they have been used on the show - magically," explained Kitsis.

He also stated that the episode "Dreamcatcher" will be "a very Emma-centric episode," and that it will not incorporate any flashbacks regarding her past.

Horowitz echoed the sentiment by stating that the first half of season 5 will be structured differently with regard to the use of flashbacks, although there will be a flashback concerning Emma very early on in the season. Horowitz did not reveal the details of the flashback, although it may relate to her struggles now that she has been taken by the Dark Side.

Season 5 will see the characters traveling to Camelot where they will meet King Arthur (Liam Garrigan), Guinevere (Joana Metrass), and Merlin (Elliot Knight) as they attempt to turn Emma back from the darkness.

"Once Upon a Time" season 5 will premiere on Sept. 27.