'Once Upon A Time' season 4 spoilers: Elsa character from Disney Frozen movie confirmed by creators

Frozen Coming to Once Upon A Time season 4.Facebook/OnceABC

Creators of "Once Upon A Time" Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis confirmed that the fourth season of the hit TV series will show "Frozen's" Elsa.

Weeks after the final episode of the third season of "Once Upon A Time," people cannot stop talking about Elsa's appearance on the season finale.

"Once Upon A Time" is notorious in twisting some of our favorite fairytales and narrating their own take on the stories. Thus, many wondered if the Elsa they will see will be be the woman people know and love in Disney's "Frozen" or whetherher character will be adapted from "The Snow Queen".

Executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward confirmed that their take on Elsa's character is inspired more by the movie.

"For us, I think this is Elsa from Frozen. That was kind of the inspiration... Will there be our own elements put to it? Yes. Like all things like we do with Snow White or Peter Pan or Captain Hook, we take our own kind of twist on it but remaining faithful to the actual essence of the character," the two said.

However, Elsa will star in the TV series not as a protagonist but as a villain. According to Enstarz, Elsa will not be the traditional villain in fairytales that is pure evil. It was speculated that Elsa will have a big impact on the show.

The producers previously stated that other characters from "Frozen" will also appear in the fourth season. "We would be very disappointed if Elsa was the only one from that world that you saw. Who else may appear, we're not ready to tell you just yet," show's creator Adam Horowitz told TV Guide

"Once Upon a Time" season 4 will be back on air in fall 2014 on ABC at its regular timeslot on Sundays at 8 p.m.