'Once Upon a Time' season 5 spoilers: Regina puts grief aside to help protect Storybrooke

How will Regina cope with losing Hood?ABC

Regina (Lana Parrilla) may be grieving the death of her one true love, Robin Hood (Sean Maguire), but it does not mean that she will let anything bad happen to Storybrooke and its residents in the two-part season finale of "Once Upon a Time" season 5.

According to the synopsis for the two-hour special, the first part will showcase Regina's grief as she laments Hood's death. Her friends understand where she is coming from, so they will let her cope with her loss.

But things will instantly change once they learn that Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) managed to steal the Olympian Crystal from Hades (Greg Germann). This could be a big problem, since he decided to tie all of Storybrooke's magic to it.

However, the real problem occurs when Emma's (Jennifer Morrison) son Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) decides that he could no longer stand all the magic that continues to hurt his family. This makes his choose to go rogue and take his girlfriend Violet (Olivia Steele Falconer) with him.

In an interview with ABC News, Parrilla teased what viewers should expect of the special two-hour finale.

"Emma and Regina go on a journey, on a mission, to try to find Henry, who has gone on this rogue mission with his girlfriend, Violet, and then we have Snow, Charming, Hook and Zelena back in Storybrooke and they get sucked through this portal and into a new world," the actress said.

Parilla admitted that Regina will be overwhelmed with all the emotions that she will feel in the remaining episodes of the season.

"I don't think anyone demonstrated that much love for Regina before," the actress said. "I think she's quite overwhelmed by all of this, but that was like a test of true love, really. I think she's devastated and we're going to see how she handles that loss in the finale."

The two-part finale of "Once Upon a Time" season 5 airs on ABC on Sunday, May 15.