'Once Upon a Time' season 5 spoilers: Belle's life before Rumple will be revealed in new episodes

Belle's past will be unveiled in the upcoming season of "Once Upon a Time."ABC

Belle French (Emilie de Ravin) and her life before Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) will be revealed in the upcoming season of "Once Upon a Time."

Bustle reports that season 5 will veer away from the New Dark One storyline at one point to give way to the exploration of Belle's life before she met the evil character. Executive producer Eddy Kitsis teased that her story, which has been put in the background over the years, will finally be brought to light and not just as plot device for Rumple's plots. This will reportedly be shown via flashback.

"That might happen. I would say that the second half of the season is looking a lot like some of our past will come back to haunt us," said Kitsis.

Fans first saw Belle enter the Storybrooke picture when she willingly went to live with Rumple in the Enchanted Forest to save her father. The former Dark One asked her to leave everything behind in exchange for helping her parent. Left with no choice, Belle agreed and from then one, her story started. Belle's life before she acquiesced on that binding promise, however, has been a complete mystery to everyone.

TV Line has previously reported that Belle will be getting more screen time in season 5, as she and Merida (Amy Manson) go on an adventure together. It will certainly be more exciting, though, if her true story will be revealed in its entire splendor. What was she like during childhood? What did she enjoy doing before she became a slave to Rumple?

Meanwhile, ABC has finally released the first synopsis of the upcoming installment. According to Cartermatt, the rest of the Storybrooke heroes will join forces to find and save Emma (Jennifer Morrison) before she becomes the new Dark One. In this quest, they will reportedly ask the help of an unlikely ally.

As for Emma, she will be seen struggling with the darkness within her as she navigates the Enchanted Forest to find Merlin (Elliot Knight). She believes that only the sorcerer can put a stop on her transformation. Along the way, she will encounter red-haired Merida and King Arthur (Liam Garrigan) and his Knights of the Round Table.

"Once Upon a Time" will return on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. EST on ABC.