'One Piece' chapter 802 spoilers, rumors: Zuo Island not a real island?

What should fans expect to see in "One Piece" chapter 802?

The official spoilers for "One Piece" chapter 802 are starting to make the rounds online, offering several details about what the new chapter will feature.

Movie News Guide recently revealed that "One Piece" chapter 802 will bring two major surprises that will shock the Straw Hats Pirates when they reach Zuo Island in the hit Japanese manga series.

One of the reported surprises is the actual structure of the island. According to official spoilers, the Straw Hat Pirates will be having a hard time reaching the island's shores because of the strong winds and big waves that surround it as well as a thick fog covering the entire vicinity.

But when they manage to inch closer to the island, they will be surprised to find out that Zou Island is not a real island but actually a gigantic elephant carrying mountains, trees, and an entire tribal community on its back. Since Zou Island is alive, it is constantly moving. This makes it harder for the Straw Hat Pirates to reach the top of its back.

The other surprise is the identity of Whitebeard's elusive son and wife. According to reports, Whitebeard's wife is known as Miss Bucking, while their son's name is allegedly Edward Weeble.

Meanwhile, others are speculating that "One Piece" chapter 802 will also delve into the mysterious poster of Sanji.

Based on rumors posted by Design & Trend, Sanji could actually be someone important. He could even be a tenryuubito or descendants of the kings. This may not be impossible since he is described as someone who has a refined demeanor. But while the original "wanted" poster did not show Sanji's face, the government managed to get a clearer photo, which they can check to see if he resembles someone they know.

"One Piece" chapter 802 is expected to be released on Oct. 5.