'One Piece' chapter 811 released


Chapter 811 of "One Piece" was unexpectedly released during the Christmas weekend, but this will reportedly be the last chapter that will be read by fans in a long time.

The 20-page chapter was considered a holiday gift from manga creator Eiichiro Oda. It centers on the events that happened at Zou as well as Sanji's latest fate.

In "One Piece" chapter 811, the Strawhats forced Caesar to defuse the poison before they began to administer the antidotes to all the infected individuals. At first, several Minks were doubtful of the intension of the Strawhats. But when they learned that all the poison was gone, they started to give their trust to the Strawhat pirates. They even started to thank the group for keeping them alive because most Minks believed that they would have died if not for the antidote provided by the pirates.

Meanwhile, Caesar finally redeemed himself with the Strawhat pirates when he helped them cure the poisoned individuals. Could this mean that he could be finally become part of the crew?

On the other hand, fans of the popular Japanese manga series also found out that Big Mam followed the pirates when they left for Zou, which also happens to be the native island of both Bepo and Pekoms.

But the Strawhats chose not to tell the Mink citizens that Big Mom came with them. They are probably afraid that the residents of the island are still traumatized by the events that happened when Kaido's crew attacked them and killed almost everyone in sight.

For the next chapter, several spoilers claimed that Sanji will make an effort to save Zou from the wrath of Big Mom, while the Strawhats will have an encounter with the King of Night named Master Nekomamushi. This could pave a way for a new allegiance between the Law and the Heart Pirates.