"One Piece" continues and in chapter 799, Luffy and Fujitora are going at it. It showcases Luffy's new fighting style against an enraged Admiral irked at Luffy's announcement of his blindness.
Fujitora has taken exception to it, pointing out that he was a monster Marine Admiral before and that he didn't need the patronization and that despite the handicap, he could beat down Luffy.
Things become chippy and Luffy attacks Fujitora, but the latter would unleash a gravity field on the new kid on the block. With this fracas going on, Harujin and Cavendish are placed on the spot on whether to intervene or not.
Zoro would have stepped in to join the fray but Bartolomeo tries to reason out that there is much more to do than this conflict.
With all this going on, Fujitora explains the reason behind his blindness. He claims that he went blind for people not to see. Could he end up killing Luffy in the end?
At some point, it seems like Fujitora wished he weren't blind to see what really makes Luffy special. The thought apparently comes out when a mob of citizens head down to the port demanding that Rebecca be returned. It seems that at this point, the true intention of the mob was to protect the pirates from Fujitora who eventually retreats.
With that set, could it pave the way for Luffy to get more help?
Luffy has been offered support by seven powerful leaders but it seems that the Straw Hat Luffy is undecided on whether to accept it or not heading into chapter 800.
Per rumors, Luffy is likely to be egged on to reconsider the offer, something that could somehow place him in step with the Yonkos. It would be an excellent opportunity as well for him to draw abreast with the Admiral whom he would often have to retreat from seeing the numbers game in play.
So the question now is, will he or will he not consider the alliance? Accepting could give him better odds but all that remains to be seen.