'One-Punch Man' season 2 release date, spoilers: Upcoming season to have more fight scenes and reveal Saitama's origin; possibly to be released in July

Featured in the image is Saitama from "One-Punch Man."Daisuki.net

While "One-Punch Man" season 1 centered on Saitama wanting to become a superhero just for fun, the much-awaited season 2 is said to focus on events and enemies that will truly test his powers and abilities. As the rumored release date for the anime series' second season has surfaced, more rumors and leaked information have also started to go around.

Rumors suggest that Saitama will be facing more challenges as a superhero in the upcoming second season as he engages in plenty of fight scenes with different powerful enemies. There are also speculations that Saitama's history may finally be revealed, especially on how he acquired his powers that give him the ability to defeat any enemy with just one punch. Up to now, only little information has been given regarding the character's background, except that the reason for his baldness is his intense training. Season 2 may even possibly introduce a new character who will become his love interest, rumors say.

"One-Punch Man" will also feature Garou as the main villain, according to Celebeat. He is reportedly going to join forces with the Monster Assocation, which will highlight more monsters with powers that could be greater than Saitama's. Being almost equal to Saitama in terms of strength in the previous season, Garou is rumored to become even more stronger as he returns in season 2. And with this new level of strength, he may possibly defeat Saitama for the first time.

As reported on Geek.com, "One-Punch Man" is said to be already undergoing production and could be released in July this year, which marks the second anniversary of the show's debut.

In other news, Saitama just made a cameo in an issue of the "Simpsons" comics. Posted on Comic Book, the panel shows Saitama in a yellow tracksuit behind Bart and his classmates, who are all dressed up in superhero costumes.