'One Punch Man' season 2 premiere delayed?

One Punch ManViz Media

The anime adaptation of "One-Punch Man" has been such a breakaway success that fans can't get enough of the "hero-as-a-hobby" Saitama and his friends. However, expectations would have to be lowered somehow as rumors place the much-anticipated second season to have a delay in releasing.

According to The Bit Bag, it usually takes six to nine months or up to one to two years to create a whole new season for a manga-to-anime adaptation. Since the current season of "One Punch Man" ended just last month, anime adaptation producer Murata Yusuke would have to double his efforts in order to release the second season as soon as possible.

The industry follower said that Yusuke already promised to roll out the next episodes as soon as possible, adding that in order to do so, daunting tasks lay ahead such as at least 10 hours' worth of everyday editing and a hundred finished storyboards -- including edits, drafts, and inks – per day.

Should Yusuke stick to this schedule, Vine Report said that the anime adaptation's continuing second season might premiere later this year, October at the earliest.

The industry follower also said that should the second season tie in with the events in the original manga, then hardcore fans already have an idea who the main villain in the upcoming episodes will be. Crossmap said that there might be an inevitable clash between Saitama and Amai Mask, whom fans saw in the climax of season 1 as having an anti-hero personality despite his status as a Class-A hero.

Should season 2 stick to the events of the manga, hardcore fans would be able to follow the story much more easily, much like what happened in season 1. Just like in the manga, the first season of "One Punch Man" had fans see the introduction of Saitama and his friends, culminating in an exhilarating and epic clash between the main protagonist and Lord Boros, the Dominator of the Universe.