OnePlus 5 news, update: Flagship phone to receive 5T's Face Unlock feature

The teaser image for the OnePlus 5 launch in June

Good news awaits the OnePlus 5 owners a few days before new year, as the handset maker announced that a popular security feature from the OnePlus 5T will roll out to the smartphone model soon. OnePlus executive Carl Pei revealed that OnePlus 5 users will enjoy the Face Unlock feature, providing another extra level of security aside from the fingerprint scanner.

The launch of OnePlus 5T last November was successful, in spite of the fact that the original OnePlus 5 smartphone launched a few months back. Tech enthusiasts believe that the latest iterative "T" refresh owes it to the Face Unlock feature, which allows users to authenticate their actions by simpling scanning their facial features through the front-facing camera. Pei stated in his latest tweet that the Face Unlock arriving in the OnePlus 5 is due to "popular demand."

Pei did not disclose a specific release date of the Face Unlock update in OnePlus 5. Still, this is a good sign that OnePlus is thinking about what is best for its customers, and it is not resorting to any dirty tactics to boost the OnePlus 5T sales. To note, the OnePlus 5T was unveiled just four months after the OnePlus 5 release. Those who already bought the OnePlus 5 last June were disappointed that their device does not have the Face Unlock. If only they became more patient to wait for the OnePlus 5T, they could have already enjoyed its features that are mostly not present with the OnePlus 5.

According to The Verge, the Face Unlock feature of the OnePlus 5T is convenient, although it is worth noting that it is not the most secured facial recognition scanner out on the market today. Nevertheless, it is proven to be the fastest way to unlock the phone, and the Face Unlock is not required in authenticating money-related transactions. The fingerprint scanner is always there to offer more secured security unlock.

Engadget reiterates that the OnePlus 5T's Face Unlock is mainly powered by a software algorithm. It does not make use of a reliable hardware add-on such as the iPhone X's TrueDepth camera. Still, OnePlus 5 users will be delighted for its addition. As for the older OnePlus smartphone models such as OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T, the company has yet to confirm a Face Unlock update coming to these devices.