OnePlus 5 users discover critical flaw preventing emergency calls

The OnePlus 5, released in June, has been reported to encounter several issues, the latest of which is a glitch when dialing 911.OnePlus website

Users of the recently released OnePlus 5 (OP5) have discovered a critical flaw with the smartphone: it reboots when dialing 911.

The user, who is located in Seattle, first reported the issue on Reddit where he posted his experience while trying to contact the emergency services to report a fire that he saw a few blocks away. "I had to dial 911 on my OP5 yesterday," the Redditor wrote, adding, "and both times I tried my phone rebooted on me."

Another OP5 user from the United Kingdom commented on the post, saying that the same problem happens when dialing UK's 999 emergency services. A Facebook post containing a video of the actual issue has also been posted.

The problem appears to be a software glitch that triggers at the point when the phone tries to send information, such as its location, to the dispatch desk. Modern smartphones are designed to provide Global Positioning System location data when connecting to emergency services.

Responding to the situation, the Shenzhen-based manufacturer said that its entire team is investigating the problem. "We have contacted the customer and are currently looking into the issue," the company told The Independent, adding, "We ask anyone experiencing a similar situation to contact us at"

The original Redditor has since posted an update on the forum that after speaking with OnePlus and sending them the phone's log files that included the issue, the company has sent him an update that fixed the problem. He said they will use the fix to roll out updates to those who are affected by the glitch.

The phone has also been reported to have several other issues with connectivity, brightness settings, lagging and random reboots, as Android Authority pointed out, although users have found ways to fix them.

OnePlus 5 was released in June to positive consumer feedback, with many noting that it rivals other flagship phones like the Samsung Galaxy S8 and iPhone 7, despite costing much less.