OnePlus gaming device coming soon?

When news broke out that OnePlus is prepping for an announcement next month, many assumed that the tech firm will finally let the world have a closer look at its upcoming flagship known as OnePlus Two. Many have been waiting for word about the highly-anticipated handset but it seems that it is not the one making OnePlus busy. 

Looking at the promotional images released by OnePlus in its forums as well as the purported launch of the said handset scheduled later this year, it looks like OnePlus Two is not coming yet but a gaming gizmo is. 

OnePlus is reportedly expanding its product portfolio by bringing to the table a device entirely new to the company. In promo photos, OnePlus invites users to "start a new game" with a big red button glaring at the center of the image, as if the beginning of "#OneGameChanger" is one push away. 

Another image shows a pair of hands that look like they are holding an imaginary game controller. On this one, OnePlus promises that "you're in control." 

The last one also proves that the forthcoming device will be something entertainment-centric as it bears the OnePlus logo drawn in glowing red lights along with the slogan that says "for the fun of it." 

The hints that were dropped all point to a gaming device. What exactly it is remains to be seen. Guesses include a portable gaming handset or a controller that can be paired up with its smartphones for better gaming. OnePlus may also be working on some sort of Android console resembling the OUYA. 

Details about the "game-changing" device should be more accessible soon. For now, OnePlus patrons can wait for Android 5.0 Lollipop CM12S and OxygenOS. The update for the latter will arrive on March 27 while the former will get it before the month of March ends. 

After Lollipop takes the OnePlus spotlight, the tech firm is expected take the covers off the mystery gaming-centric product next month.