Open Doors Founder Lays Down 'The Muslim Challenge' for Christians

Founder of Open Doors, Brother Andrew, will be launching a new book 'Secret Believers: what happens when Muslims believe in Christ', at 'UNITE' events on Saturday 29 September, in West Bromwich.

Brother Andrew, originally from the Netherlands, will also be addressing delegates at the day and evening events, speaking on the Muslim challenge for Christians today.

Brother Andrew has said, "We have created an enemy image of Muslims. We fear fundamentalists. We fear the consequences when a Muslim state acquires nuclear weapons. We worry about Muslims emigrating to the West, taking over our neighbourhoods, imposing Sharia Law. Isn't that why we fear them?

"Or maybe the real reason we fear Muslims is that we won't tell them 'God loves you'. Do we see members of al-Qaeda or Hamas as potential temples of the Holy Spirit? They won't be if we don't pray for them and if someone in whom Christ dwells doesn't go to them."

The Open Doors founder explained that 'Secret Believers' is calling for believers to devote themselves to forgiveness, radical love, and unyielding prayer.

It hopes to challenge Christians to help their persecuted brothers and sisters on four levels: Firstly, rather than view Muslims as enemies, to seek to win them to Christ; Secondly, rather than seek revenge when attacked to offer forgiveness; Thirdly, to accept the challenge of Islam by striving as Christians to imitate Christ; and finally, to commit to participate in the spiritual war, beginning on the "battlefield of prayer".

Speaking about the reasons he wrote the book, Brother Andrew says, "I wanted to tell the stories of Christian communities in Pakistan such as Shantinagar, destroyed by Muslims and how we publicly said "We forgive you Muslims for what you've done to us".

He emphasises that the result of this move was that within a year a community centre, a literacy centre and a clinic were all successfully established there.

"Because the Christians were so open and learned to forgive it was a new start for them too. It was a new start for Open Doors as well, because we were never in that town before and now we are. So we see in practice what forgiveness can do. Instead of a God of revenge, we have a God of forgiveness."

In Secret Believers, co-authored with Al Janssen, Brother Andrew also tells the stories of Muslims who have come to have faith in Christ and who have faced serious, life-threatening persecution, including being disowned and even hunted by family and community.

The book tells the story of some who have lived under constant surveillance, with terrifying threats, being kidnapped and arrested, interrogated, tortured and even killed.

Brother Andrew's new book hopes to reveal the stories and experiences from the perspectives of those persecuted for their faith.

Open Doors is a ministry that has been serving persecuted Christians worldwide more than 50 years now. Now in his late 70s, Brother Andrew still travels extensively, telling Muslims and others about Jesus and encouraging members of the suffering Church.

Mike Pilavachi, founder and leader of 'Soul Survivor', has testified: "Brother Andrew has the most life-transforming message for Christians in Britain today."

Also addressing the issue of Muslim-Christian relations at the UNITE day event on 29 September will be the Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester, who is a renowned speaker and author.

In addition, overseas visitors will share their first-hand experiences of living and working in Islamic nations.

To find out more about the UNITE events, please visit: