Open Doors Receives Award for Awakening Film on Persecution

Open Doors has celebrated its achievement of winning an Andrew Cross Award for excellence in religious programming. The Christian organisation was presented with the award for its film ‘The Eastern Bride’, which the judging panel described as “truly in a class of its own”.

|TOP|The latest award is the eleventh that Open Doors has received for its film producing. Previously its films, ‘Behind the Sun’ received eight awards, whilst ‘Bamboo in Winter’ has received two.

Peter Blackman, (outgoing) Director of the Churches Media Council, described The Eastern Bride as “a stunning film and a landmark production in Christian programming.”

Blackman particularly emphasised the importance of film drama in bringing people closer to the Christian message.

Open Doors says: “The Eastern Bride follows the experiences of two western, young people, one an IT executive and the other a TV reporter who, following their meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, journey respectively on work assignments to the Middle East and to China. |AD|

“There, they are astonished to discover not only the extent of restrictions imposed on the expression of Christian faith and lifestyle, but also the depth of faith and commitment which derives from the very restrictions that western minds find so surprising and unacceptable.”

Tackling social, political and religious factors in detail, and how they affect and suppress Christian minorities in the Middle-East and China, Open Doors’ latest award-winning film has provided inspiration, and brought about a greater awareness of the issues.

Eddie Lyle, CEO of Open Doors UK & Ireland, stated, “Iain Morris is a gifted and professional cinematographer with a genuine compassion and concern for the Persecuted Church. This comes across in the Eastern Bride, inspiring the audience and awakening them to the plight faced by our persecuted brothers and sisters.”