Open Doors UK Raising Funds to Equip East Africa Churches

Open Doors UK in association with Aid International and United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) has organised a cycling week in Ireland from 16-22 July for up to 70 bikers as one of the fund raising events.

During the week, participants will have the opportunity to raise money for both charities to fund their activities and projects.

Open Doors, an organisation committed to serving persecuted Christians worldwide, will use the raised money to provide ministers in East Africa with their own bicycles, motorbikes and other recourses. It is hoped that this will enable them to reach the more remote parts of the parishes and spread and preach the Word of God much quicker than they are able to now.

One person who has already received the benefits of the scheme from Open Doors and now has a motorbike, pastor Worku from Ethiopia said: "Previously we had to walk the whole day to reach our congregation, but now this motorcycle is going to make it much easier to reach people. We thank you and may God bless you!"

UCB broadcast nationally and across Europe by satellite, worldwide on the Internet and in the UK on cable. The UCB radio transmissions have had a huge impact on the lives of its listeners and it is hoped that it can now raise up its ministry to an even higher level. The funds gained by the event will be used to continue the international ministry to equip and spread the Gospel.

For further information about the event visit the Open Doors UK website -