Operation Noah Tackles 'Humanity's Biggest Threat in 21st Century'

Operation Noah, the Churches' campaign to avert catastrophic climate change, has appointed Ann Pettifor, one of the architects of the hugely successful Jubilee 2000 campaign, as its new Campaign Director.

Operation Noah is a project of the Environmental Issues Network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) and Christian Ecology Link (CEL).

David Pickering, chairperson of Operation Noah said: "We are delighted to announce that Ann Pettifor will bring her extensive experience of campaigning and advocacy to the vital cause of climate change.

"Ann worked closely with the churches during the Jubilee 2000 campaign, and credits the faith organisations with much of the impact made by Jubilee 2000 both in the UK and also internationally."

Testifying the importance of the new role Pettifor will now step into, Pickering said: "The threat of climate change means that faith organisations will once again have to mobilise, this time to bring about the changes needed to 'cut the carbon' and stabilise global carbon emissions. We look forward to Ann heading up the Operation Noah Campaign to tackle the biggest threat facing humanity in the 21st century."

Operation Noah's campaign is currently calling on world leaders and every person to act to cut carbon emissions to a safe level in a way that is fair for all the world's people. It equips churches and their members across Britain and Ireland to fulfill this goal.