Operation Noah to deliver giant petition to Prime Minister

What is thought to be the largest petition ever handed in to any Prime Minister will be delivered to 10 Downing Street on Thursday.

Members of the Devon Christian Climate Change Coalition will be presenting a giant banner covered in signatures. They will be joined by others from the national churches' 'Operation Noah' campaign.

The petition is a statement of the serious concern of the churches in Devon
regarding climate change, and an expression of support and solidarity for
the victims of global warming around the world.

Measuring 5 by 3 metres, the reverse side of the banner holds hundreds of
signatures from leaders and members of churches in Devon and demonstrates
an aspiration for the UK to reduce its CO2 emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

Local churches are already moving towards this target through improved
insulation, energy conservation and support for green electricity. There is also a strong church emphasis on re-using and recycling in many areas, as well as support for locally sourced produce.

Director of the Exeter Council for Church & Society, Martyn Goss, said, "It is clear that churches are now becoming more actively aware of the threat that climate change poses for future generations. Our carelessness now, and in the past, has led to a dangerous situation which needs urgently to be addressed.

"Churches can act themselves by reducing their own footprint on the planet, and influence others to do the same."

Mark Dowd from the ecumenical campaign Operation Noah said, "This banner is one way of expressing our concern. It is both a message to government from the churches but also a statement to the churches from those of us already engaging with the issue of global warming."