Operation Noah Welcomes Climate Change Agreement

|PIC1|Operation Noah, a joint environmental project by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) and Christian Ecology Link (CEL), has welcomed the agreement reached at last week’s climate change summit.

Christian environmentalists behind Operation Noah have challenged the UK Government to declare the hand it will play in climate change following the talks in Montreal, held to discuss a longterm strategy to safeguard climatic stability.

At present the Kyoto Protocol only limits the greenhouse gas emissions of 36 rich countries by about five per cent, with these commitments set to expire by 2012.

|QUOTE|Delegates at the summit agreed to launch formal talks on targets to be set from 2012, as well as a further round of targets for nations already in the Kyoto protocol. The talks are, however, unbinding.

“At Montreal the world reached a long-awaited global coming of age,” said Rev. Dr. David Pickering, Moderator of Operation Noah. “Time is running out to ‘cut the carbon’ and turn the conference’s hopes into reality.

“We in the West have to accept the lion’s share of cuts, including in our homes and churches.”|AD|

Dr Pickering challenged the UK Government to declare what position it will be taking in future negotiations, following the considerable part it played in the outcome of Montreal.

“Operation Noah supporters want them to get global emissions cut to a safe level in a way that is fair for all the world’s people,” he said.

“We will be among the first to cry foul if rich countries attempt ‘climate piracy’ against the poor.”

Christians in London joined tens of thousands all across the world in marching for climate justice which took place during the Montreal Summit on 3 December.

The march concluded with an ecumenical service, entitled ‘Prayers for the Planet’ and organised by Christian Ecology Link for Christian Climate Change campaigners.