'Orange Is the New Black' season 4 spoilers: Daya focuses on baby instead of Bennett's disappearance

Matt McGorry as John BennettNetflix

It looks like Daya won't dwell on the fact that the father of her baby has abandoned them and his responsibility come "Orange Is the New Black" season 4. Dascha Polanco, who plays the character, teased that instead of harboring anger, Daya will just focus her energies on her newborn.

"He walked out of her life and her main priority now is figuring out how she can take care of her child," the actress told Entertainment Weekly. Although she would want to see them reunite, the reality of the situation makes Polanco think otherwise.

Nonetheless, having learned the couple's fate, she admitted that she was "sad but proud," but ultimately understands that Bennett "had to do what he had to do, and I think Dayanara tried to live a fairy tale. But she's in jail, and there's a disconnect there."

Polanco does admit though that at some point, Daya believed that she found her prince. For once, she looked forward to starting life anew with Bennett after she's done with her time in prison. Of course, things don't always go as planned.

It remains unclear if Bennett will return in "Orange is the New Black" season 4. In the previous season, the prison guard just vanished, leaving fans confused if what he did was a sacrifice for his baby's safety or just an escape for paternal responsibilities.

During a Yahoo interview, Matt McGorry said he has his "fingers crossed" that it will end up being the former. However, being realistic, he admitted that it also wouldn't be impossible if it ends up being the latter. Right now, just like fans, the actor awaits to see what the future has in store.

"Orange Is the New Black" season 4 will not be out until next year but what fans of the Netflix hit can expect is that there will be more romance drama and tension in the Litchfield correctional.