'Orphan Black' season 4 spoilers: Shady new characters to enter the lives of the Leda clones

With just a month away from the premiere episode of "Orphan Black" season 4, BBC America released a new set of promo images and videos to stir up the excitement for the return of Sarah Manning and her clone-sisters.

Based on the photos, Sarah's (Tatiana Maslany) clones try to understand more about the Leda project by going back to the past. This means that they have to know more about their late clone Beth, who was the first clone that paved the way for Sarah to learn about the project.

In one of the photos, fans of the show can see that Helena is still staying with her clone sister Alison and her husband Donnie (Kristian Bruun). It seems like Helena is trying to pretend to be Alison and is undergoing a sonogram.

BBC America
BBC America

The real Alison, on the other hand, seems to be playing with a loaded gun while drunk.

BBC America

Meanwhile, the cast shared more details about "Orphan Black" season 4 in one of the trailers for the season.

 "We introduced a lot of new characters. We don't know what their motives are, or if they have some devious plans," Maslany said. The actress added in the trailer that there will be several antagonists coming out this season.

The actress revealed several details about Sarah's relationship with her foster mother Mrs. S (Maria Doyle Kennedy) in season 4. According to the actress, Sarah and Mrs. S are loyal to each other, but they also distrust each other at the same time.

Kevin Hanchard, who portrays the role of Beth's detective partner Art Bell, revealed that it will be hard to trust anyone this season.

"There's a lot more to be seen and a lot more we don't know about," Hanchard said.

"Orphan Black" season 4 premieres on BBC America on April 14.