Orthodox patriarch prays for rain as deadly wildfires rage in Russia

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill has told Christians to pray for rain as wildfires continue to spread in parts of Russia.

At least 28 people have been killed by the fires and more than 5,000 evacuated, according to the Emergencies Ministry.

Patriarch Kirill mourned the loss of life and destruction during a visit to one of the worst affected areas, Nizhny Novgorod, on Monday.

“Grief has come to our nation, human lives have been lost, hundreds have lost shelter and thousands have been left without sustenance, including children. I call upon everyone to unite in prayer for rain to descend on our earth.”

Patriarch Kirill’s call coincided with the Day of the Prophet Elijah, when Orthodox Christians traditionally pray for rain.

The Russian Government said the most serious fires were raging in the Ural, Volga and Central district.

It blamed the fires on the drought and sweltering heat, as well as “the careless handling of fire” by forest walkers.

The army has been called up to help put out the flames, with aircraft dropping 3,000 tonnes of water on fires in Nizhniy Novgorod, Moscow, Voronezh, Vladimir and Mordovia.

June and July saw the affected regions hit by the hottest temperatures since records began. The Emergencies Ministry said the “unfavourable weather” made more fires likely, as temperatures look set to soar to 40C (104F).