Orthodox Pre-assembly Meeting Affirms Need for Spiritual Transformation

The international pre-assembly meeting of WCC Orthodox member churches ended yesterday on the island of Rhodes, Greece. Participants coming from all of the WCC’s Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox member churches observed that the spiritual dimensions of transformation underlie its social dimensions.

In their report, the participants outlined its theological contribution. The WCC’s ninth assembly will be held in Brazil in February 2006 under the theme "God, in your grace, transform the world."

The pre-assembly was hosted by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on 10-17 January 2005. Over fifty hierarchs and theologians and participants from other WCC member churches joined the event which was co-chaired by the Metropolitan Gannadios of Sassima (Ecumenical Patriarchate) and Metropolitan Bishoy of Damiette (Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria).

Traditionally, the pre-assembly of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches is held prior to the WCC’s assemblies which meet every seven years. The combined membership of the twenty-two Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox member churches of WCC make up almost half of the Council’s constituency.

Transformation and transfiguration

For the Orthodox, the transfiguration of Christ reveals God’s ultimate intention for humanity and creation. "Christ gathers all things in Him, and the whole of creation has transformed into a new heaven and a new earth." Grace is associated with the transforming action of the Holy Spirit in creation. "God’s divine unconditional graceful love draws us to Him (Rom 5:15), because humans are not only created by God but they are created for God. In God we entirely find the purpose of our lives restored and transformed."

The report emphasised that the spiritual and social transformation are interrelated. "The process of the transfiguration of our socio-economic order...involves our personal and communal commitment" and the struggle to force a "chain of good" affecting all aspects of human life.

The participants recognised the suffering, violence, injustice and immorality in the world and expressed that the task of Christians is to call on the action of the Holy Spirit and to act as "fellow-workers" in restoring the "true humanity created in God’s image."

A renewed council, a renewed commitment

The pre-assembly expressed the principles supporting a continued Orthodox commitment to Christian unity. The report referred to discussions of possible new forms of international ecumenical work and affirmed that "the world will continue to need a council of churches...an instrument to serve the churches by bringing them into a space for dialogue, shared work, for the mutual exchange of gifts and insights from our traditions, for prayer together."

Participants acknowledged that "ecclesiology is central to the different understandings of Christian division and Christian unity, and therefore the key to our different approaches to the WCC." One of the most delicate issues affecting Orthodox participation in the ecumenical movement is the status of other churches in Orthodox self-understanding.

The Special Commission - a "great promise" for the fellowship

The results of the Special Commission on Orthodox participation in the WCC were reviewed by the pre-assembly. The Special Commission was established by the eighth assembly in 1998 to address Orthodox grievances with the direction of the Council. The results urged WCC member churches to continue to receive the report, which proposes key reforms to the Council to be presented to the next assembly. It emphasised the importance of the findings of the Special Commission, which bear "great promise for the whole fellowship."

A new method of consensus decision-making will be considered by the WCC central committee in February 2005. "Introduction of consensus...offers the Council a way to reflect the centrality of Holy Scripture in its life and engage the work of the Council in an atmosphere of openness, trust and humility [and] will enhance the potential for the Council to find its true prophetic voice," stated the report.

The report acknowledged that the Orthodox church faces a moment of opportunity and responsibility because of the Special Commission. It called on the Orthodox churches "to continue to make credible expressions of [their] commitment in the character of [their] participation at every level."

[Source WCC]