Outdoor evangelists defy wet weather to spread Gospel

|PIC1|Defying statistics is never easy - and they can defeat you before you start. Yet in the north of England there is a team of intrepid evangelists who are bucking the trends and appear to be winning!

With record breaking bad weather this summer, OAC Ministries (Open Air Campaigners) evangelist John Howarth and team continued to attempt open air outreach in spite of unavoidable cancellations.

Also, they chose to present the Gospel in Blackpool which is reputed to have the highest suicide rate in the UK and the fastest turnover of population.

Results have been encouraging as John Howarth explains.

"We covered Blackpool the other week and it is one of the friendliest places I have ever worked in. We have a superb couple who join us. The wife has a degree in counselling and they have a good church to take people to. So over and over again it is team work that is crucial to success."

No two attempts to do open air evangelism are the same as John's wife Jean points out.

"Recently a group of homeless people approached us and gathered around the sketchboard, listening to the messages.

"Then the police approached because they were concerned for our safety. We assured them that the group was causing no problems, and one of the homeless men told the police that he was going to church on Sunday. Our team members then began to witness to the police and give them literature."

Although the Howarths moved to Preston with approaching retirement in mind, it seems that John is defying statistics in this area too.

Instead of looking forward to a well deserved rest, he has become the chaplain to 341 (City of Preston) Air Training Corps.

He notes, "I am due to have my first 'Padre's Hour' with them next month - complete with my sketchboard and paints - and with worksheets designed by my wife who used to be Head of Religious Instruction in a large secondary school, so she can fully arm me with the necessary material."

John and Jean enjoy the supportive backing of their church, All Saints Church of Preston, with members joining them for local outreach.

On the web: www.oacgb.org.uk