'Outlander' season 3 episode 13 spoilers: Claire and Geillis come face-to-face

Official image for "Outlander" season 3 before its finale episode.Facebook/OutlanderTVSeries.starz

In the next episode of "Outlander," Claire Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) faces off with Geillis Duncan (Lotte Verbeek) in order to get young Ian (John Bell) back.

The trailer for the upcoming installment titled "Eye of the Storm" was released just recently, showing Claire sitting at the tea table with Duncan in the garden of her estate. They converse cordially under the night's sky when Duncan abruptly asks her, "Why are you here? Strange how fate keeps bringing us together." Claire wants to know where Ian is and she believes that Duncan has taken him to serve her own agenda. She will not stop at getting to the truth and thinks that the young man is somewhere in her large estate. Claire later meets her husband Jamie (Sam Heughan) and tells him that there is a stone circle nearby just like Craigh na Dun.

They both ask help from a local tribesman to bring them to that location. They figure out that Duncan may be bringing Ian there to sacrifice him. However, the tribesman warns the desperate couple, "If you follow, you die." They decide to find Duncan together in order to stop her from going through with her nefarious plans. Claire manages to catch up with her but the adversary suddenly swings her torch around to stop the determined woman. "We are the chosen, you and I. A life for a life, sweet Claire," Duncan warns her.

In the last episode, Claire and Jamie tried to escape from Captain Leonard (Charlie Hiett) and his soldiers by secretly slipping past them by stagecoach. However, Leonard caught up with them by horse and told his men to arrest Jamie. Claire watched in anger and warned Leonard that she would get her revenge.

"Outlander" season 3 episode 13 will air on Sunday, Dec.10, at 8 p.m. EST on Starz.