'Outlander' season 3 episode 9 spoilers: Claire and Jamie sail high seas to search for Ian Jr.

A promotional photo for "Outlander" season 3, featuring Sam Heugan's Jamie Fraser.

In the next episode of "Outlander," Claire Randall-Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) and her husband Jamie (Sam Heughan) board a ship together for the West Indies to search for Ian Jr. (John Bell).

The trailer for the upcoming installment titled "The Doldrums" was released just recently and showed Claire and Jamie on a ship sailing away from Scotland. "I want to set foot on our shores again with young Ian," Jamie told his wife with determination. "We will find him," she says in return as she embraces Jamie. Later, a British ship is on their tail and fires some warning shots to signal the Scottish ship to stop. The Scotsmen get alarmed and do not want to halt their journey. Jamie looks worried and tells Claire, "By law they can press any British subjects into service." The captain decides to stop the ship to avoid any possible trouble.

Soon enough, British officers board the ship and inform Jamie and the crew that their men have suffered an outbreak and are in need of a surgeon. It just so happens that Claire is a skilled doctor and may be forced to help the infected British crew. Jamie is clearly worried and warns his wife, "You can't set foot on that ship with a plague." He cannot afford to have Claire go on the rival ship and become exposed to sickness. They had just reunited recently, after all.

In the last episode, Jamie made Ian Jr. swim to a nearby remote island to get the treasure chest that he had found previously. The young man was about to head back when he was captured by the British and brought back to their ship. This prompted Claire and Jamie to search for him in the enemy ship's direction.

"Outlander" season 3 episode 9 will air on Sunday, Nov. 12 at 9 p.m. EST on Starz.